Jane Dybowski died of NET cancer on December 10, 2010. Her husband, Harry Proudfoot, has done the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk every year since. We knew virtually nothing about NET cancer then—and spent more money on the last three months of Jane’s life than was spent on research on NET cancer that year.
Jane was determined to make a difference. She told her doctors to study her every day—to learn all they could about her disease so they could make a difference in then lives of others.
Her husband was determined to carry that desire forward after her death. One of the things he’s done for the last 14 years is Walk to raise money for basic research into NET cancer. In 2012, after Walking with another team the first year, he set up his first team.
Since then, we’ve had big teams and small teams; raised large sums of money and smaller sums of money; and we’ve helped fuel research on NET cancer at Dana-Farber.
But while patients are living longer with a better quality of life than they were, we still have no cure. There is still too much we don’t understand about this cancer and how it works.
We need your help.
Please join us.