Matthew's Fundraising Page

IRONMAN 70.3 North Carolina: Bigger Than a Race

Hello All,

Whether we have crossed paths or not, thank you for navigating your way to this page. On October 19th, 2024, I will be competing in IRONMAN 70.3 North Carolina in Wilmington, NC. This race entails a 1.2 mile swim, followed by a 56 mile bike ride, directly into a 13.1 mile run serving as the cherry on top. This will be my first time competing in such an event but as the old saying goes, if your goals don't intimidate you, then aim higher. 

Leading up to race day, I am psyched to share that I have the incredible opportunity of raising funds for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. For those that are not familiar with Dana-Farber, they are an incredible organization working diligently to create a cancer-free world while simultaneously opening their arms to families currently undergoing treatment. My family has been immensely impacted by Dana-Farber as they have treated multiple family members during their cancer battles. To say their organization and staff were the best of the best would still be considered quite the understatement. As they provided world-class treatment, their staff was right alongside us as we navigated the unknown each day. The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute holds a very special place in my family's hearts as they continue to be a living embodiment of "it takes a village to change the world". Giving back to such an incredible organization has been an aspiration of mine for quite some time, which begins here.

If you are able, I ask that you consider making a donation towards an organization that changes the lives of so many. I cannot express how appreciative I am of all the help in attempting to reach my fundraising goal. It truly does take a village. You are only as strong as the community around you. All donations go directly towards funding ground-breaking research efforts & supporting patients across their organization. 


"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" - Mark 10:45

Below are a few words from Dana-Farber with some additional info regarding their fundraising mission statement:

Dana-Farber runners set the pace in the fight against cancer by raising funds to support groundbreaking research and extraordinary patient care. Thanks to your support, Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund continue to race toward the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer.

Every mile and each donation make a powerful difference because it's not a single act—it's part of a movement of an entire community of supporters. Everyone in this community is an important partner in The Dana-Farber Campaign, the Institute's ambitious, multi-year fundraising effort to prevent, treat, and defy cancer. The Dana-Farber Campaign will accelerate the Institute's strategic priorities by supporting revolutionary science, extraordinary care, and exceptional expertise.  

Each donation during The Dana-Farber Campaign, no matter the size, adds up to provide patients with compassionate, personalized care and keeps Dana-Farber at the forefront of cancer medicine. When you support my efforts, you are a part of this transformative effort. 

As a community, we have the power to create a more hopeful, cancer-free future, in Boston and around the world. I ask you to join me in my unwavering determination to this vital time in cancer care and research.  

Thank you for your support!




Fundraising Honor Roll
Big Sri
Billy McCamy
Cameron Boddie
Derek Hogarty
Jack Brantley
Leslie Bachand
Lindsay frucci
Mr. William Davis
Nicole Hogarty
Sagar Soni
Help raise funds for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!