
Imagine a future without cancer

Journey through The Imagine Display, located outside of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s Jimmy Fund Clinic, one of the world’s premier centers for research and treatment for pediatric cancers. Experience a whimsical representation of Dana-Farber’s unique research model, “bench to bedside,” through the eyes of our youngest patients. Explore how our scientists are speeding the translation of groundbreaking laboratory discoveries into treatments that change the lives of patients from all over the world.

And, there’s more than science here! The Imagine Display, made possible by the Lucchino Family, celebrates the diverse Dana-Farber community—patients, families, caregivers, and staff—united by our commitment to a future without cancer.

Add your name, or that of a loved one, to The Imagine Display with a contribution that supports Dana-Farber’s lifesaving mission. From elements in the periodic table, stars in the sky, or a unique Boston landmark, available options start at $3,000. Scroll through the image below to learn more about The Imagine Display and items for naming.

Here, all are welcome to Imagine. Make an impactful gift to this fun display that helps bring joy and inspiration to our Dana-Farber and Jimmy Fund community.

Click on each below to learn more. Scroll sideways to see the full display.


Airplane: $50,000
Represents patients who come from near and far to be treated at Dana-Farber

Microscope: $50,000
Name the microscope used to view cells and make vital discoveries

Rocket Ship: $25,000
Represents Dana-Farber’s exploratory and innovative approach to cancer research

The Periodic Table: $5,000
Name an element used by our researchers to build drug compounds and develop treatments for cancers

Space Objects: $25,000-$50,000
Take advantage of the unique opportunity to name the moon, Earth, or sun

Ducklings & Boats: $10,000-$50,000
Make way for cancer-fighting treatments and name the ducks or a boat

DNA: $10,000
Name the essence of what makes each of us different and special

Infusion Chairs: $7,500
Bring hope to patients and name a chair in the Jimmy Fund Clinic

Boston Landmarks: $25,000
Name the fountain, bridge, or marathon finish line

Stars: $5,000
Reach for the stars, fight cancer, and add your name to one or more

Iconic Skyscraper: $3,000-$50,000
Name one window for $3,000 or the entire building for $50,000

Up, Up & Away: $10,000-$25,000
Bring joy to patients, and name a hot air balloon or kite

Fenway: $10,000-$25,000
Since 1953, the Boston Red Sox have partnered with the Jimmy Fund. Name a piece of this special landmark.

Beam of Hope: $10,000
Add your name to a beam on Dana-Farber’s Yawkey Center for Cancer Care

Take the First Step

Please fill out the form below or email A staff member will be in touch to help you get started.







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Journey through The Imagine Display Video

Journey through The Imagine Display

Look through the eyes of our youngest patients and experience a whimsical representation of Dana-Farber’s signature “bench-to-bedside” research model. Here, all are welcome to Imagine!