Rachel's Fundraising Page

Join me in the fight against cancer!!!
Join me in the fight against cancer!!!


For the past decade, I have had the privilege of being part of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Marathon team- first as a runner, then as a board member, and now as co-chair of the board.  I have done so as a proud staff member and in memory and honor of some of my closest family members and friends, including my sister Melissa who was treated at Dana-Farber.

In that time, and with your generous support, I have raised over $125,000 for groundbreaking cancer research, and each year, have been inspired by my teammates and the incredible work done at DFCI.

This April, as I prepare to run the Boston Marathon for the 8th time, my perspective is fundamentally different. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare ocular tumor during a routine eye exam. Since then, I've undergone surgery, radiation, and will continue to receive regular treatments for many years to come.  I'm grateful to say that my tumor is currently stable, and I have a good prognosis ahead. 

Being on the other side as a cancer patient has profoundly deepened my understanding of the challenges patients face, as well as the critical importance of the groundbreaking work being done at DFCI. This year, as I lace up my running shoes, I not only run for my family and friends, our Dana-Farber patients, and cancer patients around the world, but also as a proud “living proof” member of the Dana-Farber team.

So please, if you can, join me once again in the fight against cancer by making a donation.  My personal goal this year is to raise $26,200.00.  Please know that every dollar counts, and every dollar raised goes directly to life saving cancer research.  I encourage you to share this link with any other friends and family who may also wish to lend their support. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity and helping us move closer to the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer.




Fundraising Honor Roll
Aaron Hoffman
Andrew and Jessica Schwartzman
Art & Phyllis Gelven in support of Rachel Wolfberg
Ashley Raven
BD Associates for David Tjhio
Best wishes, Nancy and Randy
Betsy & Gary Silverman
Camhi Family
Carole Dalby
Cathy Caine & Debbie Finegold
Chris Dimitri and Amy Van Fossen
Colleen Chin
Courtney Lemoine
Dave and Mary Cotter Lemoine
David & Stephanie Gitlin
David and Julie Tjhio
David& Arlene Sebso
Doug Wolfberg
Dr. Bridget Scullion
Dr. Rachel A Wolfberg
Elise Rosenstock
Ellen & Rich Kitay
Emily Silverman
Helene & Bob Gottlieb
janet & stephen braverman
Jason Babik
Jennie Sheridan
Jennifer Spirer
Jerry Siegel
Jill and Hal Voletsky
Joseph Trobman
Judi & Allen Kane
Julie Porter
Kathy and Mark Wolfberg
Katy Lavoie
Kelly Mendelson
Kim Scarsi
Kristin Darin
Lana Gerzenshtein
Laura Wood
Laurie Goldsmith
Laurie Korn
Lawrence Herschaft
Lee Supowitz
Leslie cahane
Linda & Ronnie Bing
Linda and Steven Hill
Linda Ellis
Line Isaac
Lisa and Evan Berman
Lisa Dunfey
Lisa Intrieri-Fellner
Lonni Sterling & Mark Rutt
Luanne Gradante
Lynda Heyman
Marc and Lauren cohen
Marlene Terkel
Marvin and Lynda Heyman
Mary Golf
Mary Saler
Meghan and Eric
Melanie Roland
Merrill Mandell
Michael Diamond
Michael Korn
Michelle Secor
Mike O'Hanlon
Mom and Dad
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Weinstock
Mr. Harvey Maldow
Mr. Howard Teplitz
Mr. Michael Caplan
Mr. Robert Korfin
Mr. Stephen Paquin
Mr. Ted Heyman
Mrs. Lillian Sharlet
Mrs. Liz Liebman
Mrs. Patricia Cacioppo
Mrs. Susan Spellman
Ms. Billie Cohen
Ms. Connie Augustyniak
Ms. Keely Macmillan
Ms. Micho Pilotte
Ms. Patti Miller
Nancy and Richard Gitlin
Natalie Bess
Nicoletta Yudelevitch
Patrick Gamere
Peter Ziegler
Randy Abrams
Robin and Richard Canarick
Robin Malouf
Samantha, Kevin & Bear Lind
Sarah Kirshenbaum
Stuart and Caryle Rosen
Susan Levine
The Drazen Family
The Sloat Family
Tracy Saperstein
Wendy & Steve Cohen
Wendy Silverman
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!