Brendan's Fundraising Page

Welcome to Brendan's Dana Farber Fundraising Page!

Hi! I'm Brendan and I'm proud to be participating in the 128th Boston Marathon®  as part of Dana-Farber's Marathon Challenge team! I'm running in honor of two incredible people in my life, Patrick Beauregard and Mary Piccolo.

My brother Pat was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer in September 2017 at the age of just 29. A United States Marine, Pat was treated right at Dana-Farber by his great oncologist, Dr. Kimmie Ng. He went on to become a colorectal cancer advocate, appearing on media outlets both local and national such as NBC's The Today Showand being featured alongside Dr. Ng at Dana-Farber's Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Center. Though Pat, unfortunately, passed away in September 2020, His legacy and work live on, and I want to do my part in supporting the very place that helped extend my brother's life long enough to meet his son, Noah Patrick Beauregard.

Additionally, I'm also running in honor of my close family friend, Mary, who was recently diagnosed with uveal melanoma--a form of eye cancer. Mary is one of my mom's best friends who has truly been an invaluable source of positivity and support for my family--from doing small things such as picking me up from grade school when I was small to big things like organizing meal trains for my family during both my father's and brother's cancer journeys. Mary is one of those people anyone should strive to be like, and it's a privilege to be running to recognize a great person and her impact.

100% of every dollar raised by the DFMC team supports the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. That means every amount, whether one dollar or $100, is directly going to funding the critical research to combat this horrible disease that is cancer.

Please join me and the DFMC team in our mission by donating/sharing my page today. Together, ALL of us can get closer to that one day of a world without cancer. As Pat once said, "There is always hope." LFG

UPDATE 2/23: WOW! Saying thank you to everyone who has supported my page isn't enough. The fact that we not only achieved our original $15,000 goal but also our last goal of $20,000 raised is truly incredible--and it's not even March! Still, there's always more we can do, and we're just getting started. Join me in my new efforts to raise $25,000 and make that positive impact today! LETS. GO.

UPDATE 3/27: Hi all! I didn't imagine we'd get to $25,000 raised so quickly--especially before April!--and yet we did thanks to YOU. I cannot thank everyone enough for rallying together on this. It truthfully means more than you'll ever know. While we have a now updated fourth goal, the focus is fully on running those 26.2 miles come April 15 so why not match that with the new goal. LFG!




Fundraising Honor Roll
Abigail Scott
Alison Brown
Andrea and Bill Hayward
Andrea Costanzo
Andrea OShaughnessy
Ann Brazier
Annemarie Bartlett-Rattell
Ari Geller
Asha & Danny Tay
Bank of America for Terri Monjar
Ben and Kim Nickerson
Beth Kaselouskas
Bill & Cathie Jonakin
Bill Shickolovich
Bob & Debby Neidermire
Bob Cramer
Cari and Jim Maguire
Chris Windham
Chris and Devin Sullivan
Chris Jaynes
Chris Pilalas
Christine Bellotti
Chuck and Tina
Colleen Sullivan
Cooper Brown
Dan & Melissa Beauregard
David D
David Howlett, MD
David Kemp
Debbie Marquis
Deborah Isdaner
Dewey Dewey
Don Farell
Donna & Rich Yerganian
Dr. & Mrs. Walter J. Rok in memory of Patrick and in honor of Mary Piccolo
Dr. Randell Page
Ed & Pat Saraiva
Erica Von Ahnen Mancini
Gage Condon
George and Kathy Beauregard
Gigi Schmidt
Grammy and Grampy donation part 2
Grammy and Grampy donation part one
Greg and Lynn Kenney
Hayley and Josh Prevatt
Henri Awad
Holly Oppel
IDEX Corporation for Michael Ratigan
In honor of Mary Piccolo and may the wind be at your back Brendan
In honor of my cousin Mary- Michèle Piccolo
Ina Pengu
Jeff and Jennifer DeLaurentis in honor of Mary Piccolo
Jeff and Nancy Brown
Jeff and Sharon Skerry
Jejffrey Hart
Jill and Matt Chase
Jim & Anne Uberti
Jim and Sandy Clinton
Joe White
John Lerner
JoLee Southard
Karen and David Soligon
Karen and Steve Graziano
Karen Kingsley
Karen OConnor
Kate and Karl Besescheck
Kate Carolan
Katherine Fico
Kathleen Wipperfeld
Kathryn Seeley
Kathy & Chris Murray
Katie Cohen
Keith and Carmen Parry
Ken & Colleen Hunter
Kirstin Borczynski
L. Trumble
Leah Baum
Liam McNulty
Linda Foss - SCORE
Linda Hottin
Lisa Hottin in support of my friend Mary and an end to cancer
Louise Steinkrauss
Lynn B
Marcia Aigler
margie and bill hatten
Margot Hayes-Sweet Sophie Scents
Mark Ockerbloom
Martha and John O'Neill
Mary and Peter Dennis
Mary Crosby
Mary Jane Burt
Mary Lou Finn
Matt and Carolyn
Maureen and Dave Dunn
Megan Ratigan
Mike and Chelsea Ratigan
Mimi and Henry
Molly Hennessey
Mr. David Dugan
Mr. Klaus Teuber
Mr. Let's F***ingGo
Mr. Linda Ayotte
Mr. Richard Piccolo
Mr. Tom Mcgue
Mrs. Jill Carey
Mrs. Teresa Sbordon
Ms. Christine Ruocco
Ms. Colleen Murphy
Ms. Mary Hopkins
Ms. Terri Monjar
Mx. John Wagenseller
Nancy Upchurch
Nicky Edwards
Nolan & Michael Torney
Northeast Security
Otis for anonymous donor
Otis for anonymous donor
Pamela and Donald Seymour
Pamela and Jeffrey Vogel in honor of Mary Piccolo
Patricia Cubin
Peter and Jeanne Poulin
Peter and Rosemary Econonmou
Peter Smith
Phil & Kathy Boole
Renee Broadbent
Robert Walker
Robert Whitcomb
Ryan and Jackie
S M Colfer
Sean Robertson
Shannon Gallanty
Stephen Skoczylas & Madelyn R. Miller
Steve & Maura Bodi
steven f schutzer, MD
Susan and Rich Holbrook
Susan Bauer
Susan Martinelli Shea
T Shirt Sales
T Shirt Sales part 2
Taffy and Larry Colvin
Terry & Dave Self
The Carolan Family
The Ivers Family
Tom and Francine DeFranco
Tom M.
Tom McGue
Tracee and Ian Thomson
Tracy Reilly
Trudi McKenna
Wendy and Chip
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!