My name is Lucie and I am a senior in high school. While you may know me from one of my many activities and communities including school, camp, lacrosse, and many more, you may not know that running has also been a big part of my life. I first started running in second grade when our class decorated shirts and ran in our local Halloween 5k. Since then, running in local 5ks and running my first half marathon last spring has allowed me to challenge myself and strengthen not only my body but my mind.
I have grown up cheering on Boston Marathon runners, passing out oranges, sour patch kids, and popsicles while screaming my head off at mile 23 since I can remember. Each year when I would see the runners I thought about how that would be me someday, and I am beyond excited that this spring I will be the one on the street, high-fiving little me on the sidelines as I run for Dana Farber in the 129th Boston Marathon.
In all my accomplishments at school, lacrosse, violin, and all other passions, my grandmother, Wendy Farber was always my biggest hype woman. She was the one cheering for me with everything I did. We unfortunately lost her to lung cancer a few years ago, after surviving cancer twice before. Through her struggles, she never stopped cheering me on and I can picture vividly how she would squeal with pride over the phone if I could call her to tell her I'm running a marathon this year. Knowing that all of my grandparents and my great aunt battled cancer, I ask you to help me raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. I want to run in their honor and in honor of all of our biggest supporters who have been impacted by cancer.