Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Fund For Dr. Collins in Memory of Kyla McGarry's Fundraising Page

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Conquer cancer with your Giving Page


Thank you for visiting our Giving Page to support Dr. Natalie Collins in her Rhabdomyosarcoma research efforts at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund in memory of Kyla McGarry.

Kyla was diagnosed with stage IV Metastatic Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma in May of 2018.  She fought like a warrior but lost her battle with this horrific disease on March 18, 2020 and passed away at 16 years old. She was a student athlete, participating in soccer and track and field and an honors student. Kyla broke the freshman 100 meter hurdle record just two weeks before diagnosis. Imagine what she could've accomplished if she was healthy.  She loved her family and friends, her dogs, sunsets, skiing and the beach. Kyla wanted to be a pediatrician as she loved working with children. Sadly she didn't get the chance. A beautiful soul taken from us much too soon. Please help us put an end to this disease so other children and families won't have to go through what we did. 

Rhabdomyosarcoma is a cancerous tumor that grows in the body's soft tissues (which connect, support or surround organs and other body structures), particularly in the muscles that attach to bone and help the body to move.  Dr. Collins was part of Kyla's team of doctor's while she was being treated and is actively researching this specific disease. She has research projects that need funding and needs our support.  Less than 4% of the federal budget for cancer research is dedicated to childhood cancer! Please support Dr. Collins and her mission in memory of Kyla. Thank you for your support.

The McGarry Family


1team member


C = Team Captain


Event Honor Roll
Beckman Family
Billy & Lisa O'Donnell
Brian Benkart
Brian Davies
Brian, Kerrie, and Noah
Bruce & Kim Bailey
Carli Gallagher
Charles H Drakos
Color Run in memory of Kyla McGarry
Cordery Family
Dan Jelloe
Dave Wallenstein
David & Lisa DeAngelis
Evelyn and John Popp
Grandma Pat Rodriguez
Hannah Richardson
Harry Ferrini
Heather McKinnon
James Pellegrino
Jennifer and John Brown
Jennifer Emond
Jerry, Addie, and Brooke Parent
Joe and Marilyn Moses
Jordan Ramos
Joseph Wassenbergh
K Gover
Katie Sullivan
Kentucky Derby Fundraiser
Laura Donati
Lauren Wloarczyl
Lauren Yokell
Leah Lefebvre & Michael Galligan
Lindsay Moore
Love, The Coppi Family
Mackenzie Shea and Family
McGarry Family
McHugh Family
Michael Cleary
Mr&Mrs Thomas Sullivan
Mr. Daniel McGarry
Mr. David Delancey
Mr. Greg Ulrich
Mr. Jerry Devine
Mrs. Karen Ives
Mrs. Kristina McGarry
Mrs. Nancy Mansfield
Mrs. Shelly Obrien
Ms. Kari Morse
Ms. Sylvia & John Rodrigue
Nicholas Ascenzo
Nicole Laubinget
Overstreet Family
Paul Melvin
Presidio - Team Calder
Presidio- Team Rafuse
Ray and Jen Francisco
Raymond Surprenant
Sarah Davis
Scott & Jamie Ulrich
Sperling Family
STAG Industrial Match for Raymond Francisco
Steve Burgess
Sullivan Family
Team Oak ~ Presidio
The Baptiste Family
The Benkart Family
The Cogar Family
The Couto Family
The Faford Family
The Gebelein Family
The McElaneys
The Moses in support of the Kentucky Derby
The Nugent and Paparo Families
The Presidio Networked Solutions
The Santoro Family
The Thompson Family
Trey Schaft
Uncle Don and Pearl Barley
Vince Cirelli
Viriato Carreiro
Youngquist Family
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Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!

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Conquer cancer  with  your Giving Page
Conquer cancer with your Giving Page

Rhabdomyosarcoma Research Fund For Dr. Collins in Memory of Kyla McGarry

Thank you for visiting our Giving Page to support Dr. Natalie Collins in her Rhabdomyosarcoma research efforts at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund in memory of Kyla McGarry.

Kyla was diagnosed with stage IV Metastatic Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma in May of 2018.  She fought like a warrior but lost her battle with this horrific disease on March 18, 2020 and passed away at 16 years old. She was a student athlete, participating in soccer and track and field and an honors student. Kyla broke the freshman 100 meter hurdle record just two weeks before diagnosis. Imagine what she could've accomplished if she was healthy.  She loved her family and friends, her dogs, sunsets, skiing and the beach. Kyla wanted to be a pediatrician as she loved working with children. Sadly she didn't get the chance. A beautiful soul taken from us much too soon. Please help us put an end to this disease so other children and families won't have to go through what we did. 

Rhabdomyosarcoma is a cancerous tumor that grows in the body's soft tissues (which connect, support or surround organs and other body structures), particularly in the muscles that attach to bone and help the body to move.  Dr. Collins was part of Kyla's team of doctor's while she was being treated and is actively researching this specific disease. She has research projects that need funding and needs our support.  Less than 4% of the federal budget for cancer research is dedicated to childhood cancer! Please support Dr. Collins and her mission in memory of Kyla. Thank you for your support.

The McGarry Family

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