Taryn's Fundraising Page

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Conquer cancer with your Giving Page!

The Joe Recco Fund for Young Adults

Dear Family and Friends,

Thank you for visiting Joseph's Giving Page and donating to his cause.

As many of you know, Joseph loved film not only for the entertainment but also for the studying...directing, lighting, shot angles, story line and especially, the writing. His other love was comedy. Ever since he was able to write, he kept a journal to record anything he thought was funny. He would run upstairs and write down what he heard as well as any ideas that may have come to mind. I have yet to read any of them as I promised him it was his private journal. They are all sitting untouched up in his room as I have been emotionally unable to read them. His third activity while sick was Lego's, spending hours buiding Star War ships and buildings. He has quite the collection upstairs in his room...some lay untouched as he was unable to build them toward the end.

Thus, Joseph asked that we create a fund to assist other young adults who may need some additional support through their cancer treatment. He wanted to brighten their days and provide them the means to not only receive treatment but also to be able to bring some joy and a smile to their lives.

Let's keep Joseph's spirit alive and help others keep their spirits alive so they can focus on getting better.

With deepest appreciation,

Taryn Recco




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Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!