My name is Asher and I’m 10 years old. I am going into 5th grade this fall. Among other things, I love playing baseball! The reason I CAN play baseball is because of all the support of my family and coaches who work with me to get better. This summer, I am excited to play again but this time in an effort to STRIKE OUT CANCER! I play to honor my Saba’s memory. My Saba, my grandfather, died when I was just about 16 months old. I didn’t get to know him and he didn’t get to see me, my brother or any of my cousins play baseball or dance or play music or do other sports. I play to honor my Grandpa Jim’s memory who died just about 4 years ago. I play to STRIKE OUT CANCER so other kids get to have their grandfathers (or other loved ones) see them play! This summer I will also play to honor my Grandma “Gram” who did STRIKE OUT cancer and who CAN come and see me, my brother and all my cousins play, dance, play music or sing. We are so grateful! I play for everyone who has been touched by cancer!