By participating in the 2024 Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk presented by Hyundai, our team is supporting the research and treatment of advanced systemic mastocytosis--a disease in which a genetic mutation causes the mast cells to overproduce--and leukemia. I was diagnosed with both diseases almost two years ago and have been a patient at Dana Farber since March 2023.
I am the beneficiary of pioneering work and excellent care of my doctors--Dan De Angelo, Robert Soiffer, and Frederick Tsai--and the incredible technicians, nurses, physicians assistants, researchers and administrative personnel who support them. Dr. DeAngelos research on mastocytosis, a very rare disease, led to FDA approval in 2021 of the first drug to effectively deal with the mutated mast cells. Thanks to this drug, my mastocystosis is under control. Under the care of Dr. Soiffer, I will undergo a stem cell transplant in September to cure the leukemia.
Your donation will go directly to support Dr. DeAngelo and Dr. Soiffer's work in battling blood diseases The superb care I have received would not be possible without the private contributions from individuals and foundations that support both the research and the patient care that distinguishes Dana Farber from other cancer centers.
Thank you for your support.