Emily's Fundraising Page

2015 Pasta Party with Malia
2015 Pasta Party with Malia

In Honor of Malia - Why I'm Running With Dana-Farber

Dear Friends,

As many of you know, this past June my patient partner, Malia, passed away after an unbelievably brave battle with relapsed neuroblastoma.  I met Malia in 2014, when I was paired with her through Dana-Farber’s patient partner program.  Malia had fought her first battle against neuroblastoma beginning when she was just two and a half.  I was officially partnered with Malia for four years, and I so looked forward to our poster decorating parties, patient partner events, and the pasta party.  I didn’t spend a lot of time with Malia over the years, but you only needed a brief interaction with her to know how incredibly special she was.  She radiated joy, and strength, and courage, and love.  She was amazing.  Sometimes people just really touch your heart, and Malia was one of those people.  She has been one of the greatest inspirations of my life.  As has her family.  Following Malia’s first battle with neuroblastoma, they started a non-profit to support other families who are navigating the nightmare they navigated (www.forkidssakefoundation.org).  There are few things more thoughtful and generous than that act, and they have devoted themselves to that cause.

Needless to say, losing Malia has been heartbreaking.  And for those who have read about her life, or shared in the stories those who knew and loved her have offered, you know just how many people this young and mighty human inspired.  I feel so lucky to be one of them.  I wanted to do something to honor Malia’s life, and her family’s mission.  So this April, I will dust off my sneakers, and get back out on the Boston Marathon course.  No doubt very slowly, but with more resolve and inspiration than ever.

I am running for Dana-Farber, and this year, in Malia’s honor, all of the funds I raise will be donated to neuroblastoma research.  No child, no family, should have to go through this.  And there is a cure, it just needs to be found, and to be found it needs to be funded.  Pediatric cancer funding at the national level is woefully lacking, and we must do better.  In order to specially designate these funds for neuroblastoma research, I had to set a lofty fundraising goal, and this is where you all come in.  I have committed to raising $20,000 this year, and I know I can do it with your help.

I am so grateful for your support.


Emily Hodge's Team: In Honor of Malia


Fundraising Honor Roll
Adeline Hodge & Joshua Stanton
Alli, Brad & Rory White
Angelini Laura B.
Ashley Grove
Becca & Jerry Allison
Bill and Kim Hrubes
Brooks Family
Chris Saccardi
Christina and Max
Coleen & Charlie L
Connie & Steve Lickstein
Cory Atwood & Dave Bruce
Courtney & Camilo Aladro
Diana Lloyd and Jordan Hershman
Dolores Lowe
Easter Bunny
Edwina Nowicki
Emily and Conor Daly
Emily Hodge
Emily's father
Eric, Liz, Ariana, Oliver, and Isla
Erin & Gerri
Fleming Family
Fulcrum Research Group
GlaxoSmithKline for Alicia Leeman
Gowdy Hendrick Family
Hannah Bornstein
Heather, John, Ellie & Greta
Jackie & Jeff Stabile
James C. Henry
Jen Sullivan
Jennifer Holden
Jessica and Alan
Joe Downes
John Rearick
Jolie Siegel
Julia Hesse
Kathy Hackett
Keely & Phil Welch
Kole Jusczyk (Malia's Brother)
Kristen and Phil Perriello
Kristin Boal
Laurie & Boys
Leon Lush
Lydia, Joe, Aveline & Elowynn
Lynn and Bob in support of Emily
Marita Fernald
Martuscelli Family
Meghan Holmes
Melissa Tearney
Meryl Sherman
Mike O'Hanlon
Mike Styrcula& Joe Gauquier Beacon Services, Inc.
Mike Sullivan
Miranda Hooker
Mr. Jason Atwood
Mr. Jesse Siegel
Mr. John Baraniak
Mr. John Pitfield
Mr. Jonathan Fernald
Mr. Mike Gass
Mr. Paul McCarron
Mr. Rees Hawkins
Mrs. Laura Montgomery
Ms. Alison Reif
Ms. Catherine Renehan
Ms. Emily Hodge
Ms. Nicholle Signore
Myerson Family
Nancy Gregory
Nicole and Mike Connery
Nicole Cordeiro
Nika Regnier
Northstar Project & Real Estate Services
Olivia & Mom
Paula Gowdy
Phil & Caitlin
Rolando Medina
Rose Cappucci
Sarah Paharik
Steph Carroll
The Becker Family
The Burke Family
The Diggin Family
The DiMatteo family
The Fenn Family
The Fillo Gowdy Family
The Hanson Family
The Kesselheim Family
The Marshall Family
The Moores Family
The Porters
The Savage Family
The Tearney Family
The Teasdale Sholtys Family
Tim & Mo Whitman
Tim & Mo Whitman
Tracy/Zammit Family
Help raise funds for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!