David's Fundraising Page

Conquer Cancer with Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund!
Conquer Cancer with Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund!

My WIFE is My HERO - Why I'm running the 2024 Falmouth Road Race

I am honored once again to be running the Falmouth Road Race for Dana Farber.

The Road Race has held a special place in my heart dating back to watching my father and uncle run it 30+ years ago, to continuing the tradition with my wife Ali starting in college, and now having the pleasure of being greeted by my 2 beautiful daughters at the finish line every year. Road Race weekend has been a source of joy and entertainment to share with family and friends for as long as I can remember and now I have the pleasure of celebrating this weekend by raising money to support the fight against cancer. 

The worst day of my life occurred in March 2022 when my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.  In our darkest moments, it was the support and care we received from the amazing people at Dana-Farber that allowed us to move forward, day-by-day, knowing that Ali was receiving the best care in the world. I am forever grateful for the support and care she received throughout her treatments, and continues to receive today.

Ali’s strength, courage and fight to be a Breast Cancer Survivor has been truly remarkable to experience and wouldn’t have been possible without Dana Farber.

My Wife is My HERO and I am honored to run for Dana-Farber to support all of the other amazing people out there who are fighting their own fights.

On behalf of my girls, Claire & Caroline, and my amazing wife Ali, thank you for the support and much love.



David Bernard's Team: Bernard Falmouth Road Race 2024


Fundraising Honor Roll
Alec Finigan
Andrea Ross
Bobby and Lauren Mullen
Brandi McMahon
Cindy Haddad
Cobb Family
Dan & Ali Schultz
Danny, Ellie, Joe, and Carly
Deborah Griffin
Dennis & Ellen Heck
Ellen Tracy
Flanigan family
Good Luck, Dave! With love, The Jusseaume Family
Gordon and Cheryle Varney
Joe Kearney
Justin Moscardelli
Kaitlin McTague
Kelsey & Shane
Ken / Sue Aries
Lauren DiFrancesco
Liz and Geoff Broglio
Matt and Sarah Scott
Maura and Papa Vade
Miss Karen Chiu
Mr. Michael Poe
Mr. Stephen Brown
Mrs. Elizabeth Nelson
Ms. Kathryn Kearnet
Nancy and Larry Brutti
Papa and Nonna
Paul and Jenn Aries
Peter Edwards
Richard & Diane Griffin
Richard Brutti
Rick and Sharon Brutti
Segien Family
The Bartletts
The Bowie Family
The cavallaro-ayotte family
The Colla's
the de la Mar Family
The Duffys
The Goulds
The Lamberti Family
The Pfeffer Family
The Sadler's
Walsh Family
Help raise funds for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!