This year, team Adelia the Wonder Girl will be dedicating all funds to the new and desperately needed Brain Tumor Center that bridges Dana Farber and Boston Children's Hospital. This center is being spearheaded by Dr. Baird, arguably the best pediatric neurosurgeon in the world, and Dr. Filbin, one of the most brilliant and motivated researchers in this space. This center strives to develop personalized, precision medicine, where they can deliver rapid real-time molecular analysis to allow more effective treatments to start sooner. The center will also be developing support systems for families, a vital necessity and currently a missing piece in providing high quality continuum of care. Click here for more information about the Brain Tumor Center.
I am honored to be running for my 2nd year in support of Adelia, her family, and all of the other families that have to endure the unimaginable pain of a pediatric cancer diagnosis. It means so much to me to have the opportunity to direct funds to helping ensure that children get the very best care possible, and in turn, the best chance at beating this horrific disease.
Emma will be training with me this year! She will run the 7-mile distance over the course of the week prior to the race, in honor of her brave and inspiring friend, Adelia.
We appreciate your support!
Carolyn & Emma