Kristina's Fundraising Page

Conquer cancer with your run!
Conquer cancer with your run!

Berlin Marathon for BRCA research

Here comes my 4th World Major Marathon!

But what matters more to me than my 4th star? This time I am directly funding BRCA research. Can you believe this unicorn of an opportunity?! I am raising funds to the very research that could change the course for my children and all the children of high risk families. PINCH ME! 

I would love nothing more than for my community to help me on my mission to raise funds and awareness so that someday my daughters have better options than breast amputations and surgical menopause in their 30s. 

My cancer story

Cancer came into my life when I was a little girl.  In the 90's my mom and her two sisters were all diagnosed with breast cancer. In 2005 my aunt Kathy died from breast and ovarian cancer. In 2006, at 20 years old, a red flag went up when I was diagnosed with melanoma. In 2011, at 25 years old, it was recommended I get tested for the BRCA mutation. It came at no surprise when I tested positive for BRCA1, what shocked me the most was the way I felt inside, knowing I am like a walking ticking time bomb.  "Not if, when" is what my oncologist said. This mutation meant an 87% risk of breast cancer and a 60% risk of ovarian cancer. This also meant from 25 years old and now, I have had biopsies, mammograms, MRIs, CT scans, bloodwork, ultrasounds, physical exams all to monitor if anything has changed yet. This anxiety has been incredibly difficult to cope with, knowing if I don’t take action at the right time the rug could be pulled from underneath us all at any moment. 

With the birth of my daughter, it became clear, I did not want my Siena growing up with the same fears I grew up with. I wanted to reduce my risk. So in 2015, I made the commitment to myself and to my family I would do whatever it takes to stay ahead of this genetic mutation.  I wanted this next generation to feel empowered to take action. It was time for surgery. But surgery is a permanent decision and a massive trade off with lots of sacrifices to quality of life. I needed a distraction. I decided to run the Chicago marathon for a charity that was supporting other high risk women like me. Many of you gave to Bright Pink in 2015.  My sister, Vanessa, ran alongside me for the Chicago marathon to make sure I never felt alone (years later she too tested positive for the BRCA1 mutation).  In 2016, days after my 30th birthday, I underwent a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy. My breast cancer risk is now under 5%. I have since given birth twice and we have 3 beautiful children. Our family is complete. 

On October 3, 2022, I reduced my risk of ovarian cancer.  This was the final prophylactic surgery I can do to reduce my risk. Siena, Emilia and Roman can know I have done whatever I can to be around to watch them grow up. 

Because of your generosity, together we raised over $31,000 when I ran the 2023 Boston Marathon. I have a lofty goal of surpassing $30,000 again. This time every single dollar goes directly to the research that provides hope for high risk families like mine.  

 It's not lost on our family how incredible you have been to support us. Not only do we dream about crossing the finish line, but we truly dream of a brighter future for the next generation. So we are asking for RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. 

I have a greater mission in the way we provide social emotional support to women who experience these traumas…but I digress… we are onto that finish line.

One hundred percent of every dollar raised by TEAM GENErational War supports BRCA research by Dr. Judy Garber at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. These funds are fueling some of today's most promising cancer research for hereditary cancer. 
Thank you for your support! Many of you have been there from the beginning. It doesn't get lost on me how supportive you have been to me and to my family. Together, we're headed toward the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer. I’m sending you love and my deepest gratitude. This isn’t just a race. It’s so much more. 


Kristina Coccoluto's Team: GENErational War


Fundraising Honor Roll
Alexis Leahy
Alyssa Penson
Ambrosi Family
Arlene Coccoluto
Ashley Kinsman
Bob Bruno
Casey P
Cindy Tapley
Correia Family
Dan Janis
David and Rhonda Bees
Dina Gluck
Dr.&Mrs. Nicholas Purdy
Endre Pedersen
Evan S
Eve Paone
Gayle and Bob Murphy
Georgia Curtis
Gingerbread Construction Co.
Hanna Lombardi
Heather Bramante
Helene and Dennis Kelley
Howard & Michele Greene
Hutter Fam
JBB 👻🥯
Jeff Given
Jen Donovan
Jenessa Dailey
Jennifer Toy
Jocelyn Lee
Joe and Nicole Caiazzo
John & Jennifer Addeo
Johnson Family
Julie Costa
Kadera Family
Karen & Brad Lutz
Karen Guillaume
Kat Kaplan
Kathy Rancourt
Kelly Benson
Kelly Pavao
Lauren O'Shea
Lauren Serrano
Maggie Kenneally
Manulife for David Bees
Manulife for James Contis
Marissa Tuccelli
Marsha Vanwynsberghe
Matt Manganiello
Max and Tonia Tassinari
Mom and Dad
Mr. Pete Keller
Mr. Pierfrancesco Servidio
Mrs. Angie Guarracino
Mrs. Jenna DeCicco
Mrs. Kathleen Porter
Mrs. Whitney Beck
Ms. Allison Granger
Ms. Marie Kasle
Ms. Noel Gregg
My Doan
Rachel Bramante
Rachel Horowitz
Rob Duffy
Rothwell Family
Sabrina Carr
Sally Whitworth
Sara Cooper
Scott & Allen Inc
Sicuso Family
Stefanie Jurista
Stephanie O'Leary
Sunshine Through Motion
Susan Richardson
Tanya Lombardo
The Lombardi Family
Uncle Jim & Aunt Lucy
Help raise funds for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!