Mary's Fundraising Page

Conquer Cancer with Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund!
Conquer Cancer with Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund!


On January 23, 2022, my life forever changed. I was out trail running with one of my best friends and had a seizure. It was so scary; I was frozen in my own body and yet aware of what was going on around me. I felt so uncomfortable and was praying that the sensation would stop. I hoped Eric would realize I was not behind him anymore and find me. It seemed like an eternity had passed, but it was probably only a minute or two. After a ride to the ER and some tests, I was diagnosed with brain cancer. The news was delivered with grim facial expressions and a bunch of I’m sorrys. At the time I didn’t really understand what that meant. I didn’t understand what having cancer meant. I thought you just have surgery, go through radiation and/or chemotherapy, and then go and live your life. I was not prepared for the prognosis discussion and the stark new reality I had to face. Currently, for my particular cancer there is no cure, only time and management. This was a very hard pill to swallow and put me in a dark place. I had to decide to be grateful that I did have some time and to try to make the most of the time I had.

Running has always been a source of joy and a safe place to relieve stress among friends. Now I was terrified to run, especially outside, or in the woods. Most likely a bit of PTSD from the initial telling “event”. My friends and family did not give up on me and kept asking and inviting me to participate in the usual group run, workout, etc. At some point, I said yes and took that first step. It was emotional and a bit of a relief. Before too long, we entered a 5K, and my friends really showed up to support me. We all ran together wearing fake tattoos with the grey brain cancer awareness ribbon. After that race, I got it in my head to add the Boston Marathon to my bucket list.

I am currently a patient at Dana Farber and am so thankful for the wonderful care I have received. From the outside, I look “normal”, whatever that means, but I deal with neurological challenges daily and am at seizure risk for the rest of my life. I think about my mortality. I think about my kids, my friends, and my family. I live and make decisions daily based on my quality of life and not wasting the time I have. What is important? What is left to experience? How can I create meaning and make a difference?

I am honored to have been selected to run as part of the DFMC team and raise money in support of the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. My hope is they can continue to improve survival rates and quality of life for all of us affected by cancer. My hope is to have more time. My hope is to live a full life. My hope is for those that follow me to have one too. Please help me support this cause and rid the world of cancer because frankly, it sucks.




Fundraising Honor Roll
Adam St. Germain
Agilent for Kathleen Gendron
Ali Maas
Allyssa & Cedric Stevens
Anne Treadwell
Anonymous Anonymous
Barb and Brian Disco
Barbara Micheletti
Becki Kuse
Ben Rinehart
Beth Erickson
BGR (cash donations)
Bill & Cathy DeKoskie
Brenda Wright
Bruce and Val Ellsworth
Carrie Hopkins
Cathleen Tiersch
Chad and Lisa Conger
Chris and Lisa Hebert
Christina Mager
Christine Fiore-Butler
Christine Graziano
Cindy and Chris Bishop
Danielle Hamilton
Darcie Renzulli
Darren Beck
David DeVarney
Deb and David Merchant
Dr. Marla Eglowstein
Elisabeth Erickson
Elise D Seraus
Elizabeth Tolmie Walker
Erin and Wayne
Fagqn Family
FF Fundraiser
Go Mary!
Greg Bergeron
Haman Family
Heather Ambrose
in honor of Marc Geoffrey & Beth Miller
Jaclyn Nowotny
Jamie Leffler Bassett
Jan & Dennis Bishop
Janette Coletti
Janine, Jeff, and Allie Brooks
Janine, Jeff, and Allison Brooks
Jeannine Hughes
Jeff DeKoskie
Jen K
Jen Sorrell
Jen Spada
Jen Williams
Jennifer Crawford
Jennifer Nachbur
Jim Sackett
Joan VanLoan
Joanne Flood
Joe Leirey
John Mahoney and Wendy Davis
John Sullivan
Jon and Marcie Bigelow
Jonathan Smith
Jordan MacDougall
Joy from VT251
Joy Peterson
Julie & Jordan
Julie Grega
Julie Kelly & Tom Barnes
Karen and Rod Brigham
Kathy Quindley
Katie Jewett
Kelly & Craig Austin
Kelly Austin
Kevin Moore
Kimberly Boyarsky
Kristin Dittus
Kristy Miller
Laura and Marc
Laura Sierra
Lauren Fluet
Laurie LaPlant
Leo Leinen
Li Ling Young and Nik Ponzio
Liebegott Family
Lindsey Farrar
Liz Champagne
Maggie Massey
Margaret Bryngelson
Mark and Carolyn Evarts
Martha Bloom
Mary Bowman
Marybeth Morrissey
Matt & Catherine Bishop
Megan Speck
Melincoff family
Meryi Moran
Michael & Ellen LaCourt
Michell Langlais
Michelle Koller
Mike Schell
Mike Turano
Miss Michele Weiner
Mr & Mrs David Nelson
Mr. Jan Leja
Mr. Richard Nisa
Mrs. Brooke Winchell
Mrs. Eileen DeKoskie
Mrs. Erin Pratt
Mrs. Jennifer Kopf
Ms. Allie Hardy
Ms. Kathleen Gendron
Ms. Lara Brown
Ms. Marianne Green
Ms. Marlyn W. Rinehart
Ms. Mary E. Williams
Ms. Mary E. Williams
Ms. Pamela Heald
Ms. Sherry King
Ms. Sylvie Frisbie
Nate Lalonde
Nicole Vincent
Nina Dinan
Norm & Kris Senna
Patt and White Families
Paul and Diane seitz
Peg Wilk
Penny Kelly
Polly Liese, vt, in support of Mary Williams. You are inspiring.
Randi Sanville
Renee Cone
Richard Rahmer
Robin Galeaz
Sandra Laflamme-Terrible Turtles
Scott & Gretchen Beaudin
Sean Curry
Shane Desautels
Shari Bashaw
Sharon Bashaw
Stacey Sadowsky
Steve & Amy Swenka
Susan Rosato
Tana McMath Sabourin
Thad & Suzy Barker
The Fleet Feet Sports Burlington Inc
The Holsapple's
The Mark Family ❤️
The Salveo Family
The Wilks
Todd and Katie Sayles
Tom and Meghan
Tracy Hart
Uncle Ed & Aunt Beth
US Bank for George Haman
Veronica Valz
Wendi Piper
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!