Kate's Fundraising Page

Conquer Cancer with Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund!
Conquer Cancer with Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund!

26.2 with Colin's Crew

This year I'll be taking on all 26.2 miles for the 2024 Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk And it means so much to be able to help the organization that has been so important to our family- especially in the past 3 years, after losing my mother-in-law to a short lived battle with metastatic breast cancer and then through our son Colin’s cancer treatment. 

Thanks to the team at Dana Farber, our little boy turned 3 year and got to "ring the bell" this year...Before cancer, our children's birthdays were not something we thought to be so thankful for each year...but we certainly are now. 

While Colin's cancer journey may not be over, given his genetic predisposition, there is no team we'd rather fight these battles with than this one. 

Every time we step into the clinic, we’re greeted by a familiar face and around every corner is yet another amazing person who genuinely cares about not only their patients but their families. We can’t imagine having gone through this had we not had the Jimmy Fund Clinic. It’s hard to put into words what a truly special place it is. From the security office to the music therapy to the most amazingly compassionate nurses and doctors, we were overwhelmed by the comfort we were provided from day one.

After seeing first- hand the impact a cancer diagnosis has on a family and how this amazing place so quickly becomes the silver lining in a diagnosis that can so quickly cut you off at the knees, we felt like it was a no-brainer to pay it back & pay it forward so that they can continue to help other families during some of the toughest times in their lives.

If we can do our part to help fight this disease and even more so help the PEOPLE it affects-we’re in. Knowing that every dollar raised goes directly to cancer research and patient care makes us want to do our part in helping to find a cure. Even more personally, as a mom, it’s excruciating to not have been able to protect my child from his cancer diagnosis but in helping to raise money to find a cure it gives me hope that someday, every little boy or girl battling this monster will be safe from it. As much as we’d all love to run far away from the terrifying world of cancer, the only way to stop it is to help find a way to cure it

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for supporting my Jimmy Fund Walk fundraising efforts. Every single dollar counts. Together, we can defy cancer!


Kate Martinsen's Team: Colin's Crew


Fundraising Honor Roll
Al Johnson
Alison & Matt O'Leary
Blake Dawson
Brendan Manzella
Caitlin Lindquist
Carolyn McLaughlin
Deb and David Vivian
Donna and Bob Barrell
Greg Delaney
Iacaboni Family
Ian & Kelsey Brohm
Isabella Federspiel and Michael Seeberger
Jackson Family
Jim Wusinich
Joey and Jim DuPont
John and Kate Coudrai
Kate Catenacci
Kristina Moonan
Lauren, Ryan, Emerson and Cow
Liz & Karl Martinsen
Liz Donovan
Marc and Angela
Marianne and Gary Vivian
Max Holloway
Melle Family
Michael Meschisen
Mrs. Gloria Ciappenelli
Mrs. Kate Martinsen
Ms. Katie Catalino
Ms. Lynne Shira
Pamela and Terry Payton
Renu Kayarkar
Samantha Weckwerth
Steve Wall
Steven Rubenstein
The Lee's
The Leo Family
Tom Nolan
Travis Morgan
I'm Living Proof buttons
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!