I am participating in the 2024 Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk presented by Hyundai, taking steps toward the ultimate finish line: a world without cancer.
If you are seeing this page, then you probably know that I was diagnosed with Primary CNS Lymphoma in September 2023. I am still fighting the good fight, but there is no chance I would be here without my Oncology teams at Dana-Farber and my surgery team from the adjacent BWH. The least I can do is find a way to work up my stamina to walk a 5K in October and raise money for the cause in the process.
When you make a donation to my Walk, you’re directly supporting Dana-Farber Cancer Institute’s unique balance between cutting-edge research and compassionate patient care. Your support allows Dana-Farber leaders to enhance programs and initiatives that serve pediatric and adult patients and their families.
Thank you for supporting my Jimmy Fund Walk fundraising efforts. Together, we can defy cancer!