Please note that some translations using Google Translate may not be accurately represented and downloaded documents cannot be translated. Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund assume no liability for inaccuracies that may result from using this third-party tool, which is for website translation and not clinical interactions.
Nuestro equipo, Círculo de Vida, está compuesto de sobrevivientes y sus seres queridos. Somos un grupo de personas unidas en el meta de apoyarnos, darnos fuerza, y con esta caminata, crear conciencia sobre el impacto de cáncer en la comunidad latina y recaudar fondos para ayudar a Dana-Farber en su misión para curar y prevenir esta enfermedad.
Le invitamos a donar cualquier cantidad que pueda; cada donación está bienvenida y apreciada.
Gracias por su apoyo. ¡Juntos venceremos al cáncer!
Our team, Círculo de Vida (Circle of Life), is made up of survivors and their loved ones. We are a group of people united by the goal of helping and empowering each other. By walking we hope to bring attention to the impact of cancer on the latinx community and to raise funds to help Dana-Farber in its mission to cure and prevent cancer.
We invite you to donate any amount that you can; each and every donation is welcome and appreciated.
Thank you for your support. Together we will win this fight against cancer!