Katy's Fundraising Page


October 15, 2023

​Last April, I stood watching the Boston Marathon filled with so many different emotions. I felt an overwhelming pride for the city of Boston that had not yet been my home for even a year. I felt this same pride as I watched these runners that I didn't even know who put in every effort they had into every mile of that day, feeling inspired and motivated by them and their undeniable efforts that had gone into crossing the finish line. This day was monumental in more ways than one and it was truly transformative in this sense  

I would say that I was someone who watched these runners go by yet thought to myself “wow I could never do that”, but that was hardly the case. As each ran by, I could only picture doing the same and being surrounded by this supportive community with the feelings of love and gratitude as driving motivations. 

In Mimi's last months battling Pancreatic Cancer, she shared a consistent message of feeling struck by so much love and gratitude for her family, her friends, her philanthropic involvements, joys, and hardships faced throughout life. She carried this message with strength and with a fighting spirit that I deeply admire even after her passing in July 2022. And though I was only five at the time, I have confidence that my Gramma who also fought a strong battle with Pancreatic Cancer felt these emotions of love and gratitude to some degree as well before her passing in 2005. 

The unfortunate truth is that my lovely grandmothers are not the only two who must face difficult journeys with cancer while working to carry love and gratitude in their hearts. Though the two of them are no longer able to share of this love and gratitude to others directly, I know that I can strive to live this out and further help others as they would have continued to do today. 

In this same sentiment, I find it an incredible honor to announce that I will be running alongside the Dana-Farber Marathon Team in the 2024 Boston Marathon. The Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team runs and raises funds with thousands of people in mind. From Hopkinton to Boston, we carry thoughts of those people every step of the way. One hundred percent of every dollar raised by the DFMC team supports the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. These funds are fueling some of today's most promising basic cancer research.

I hope to find time to speak personally with many of you who have reached this page in the next coming months about this journey and what it will entail as we continue to support those fighting battles with cancer. In the meantime, on this page you will find the option to donate as a part of my fundraising goals.  Please join me alongside this journey with Dana-Farber and my promise to raise $11,000 for their organization over the next several months. 

It is through your support that this will be possible and I can do nothing but express my heartfelt thanks to each one of you for being a part of this journey. In so many ways, each of you have shown me the beauty of love and gratitude in action. I have no doubt that this support will continue to motivate me to find this strength in myself as shown by Mimi, Gramma, and so many others in this challenge. 

With love and gratitude always,





Fundraising Honor Roll
Adam Gerber
Alex Eddy
Ali Hammond
Ali Jackson
Alli and Russ Gilley
Andrea Fossier
Aunt Cathy
Ben + Kristin
Ben and Nancy Randall
Ben Wetherbee
Brandon and Missy Brown
Cat & Patrick Baudhuin
Chris and Maggie Tennyson
Chris Darcy
Chris Dozois
Ciara O'Connor
Ciara O'Connor
Ciara O'Connor
Darrin & Jennifer Madeley
Darryl Stackhouse Family
Davis Wilson
Dee Family
Dr. Matt Sorensen
Dr. Robert Moorman
Elesa Turner
Ellie Adams
Emily and Steven Krall
Emily Brown & Joe Kelly
Emily Rayball
Erika McCoy
Gail Morrison
Gina Stec
Inna Feldman-Gerber
Jason Koenig
Jennifer & Andrew Narbutis
Jim & Lori Seefeldt
Jon Freeman
Katie Wakiyama
keevins kristin
Leo Lambert
lindsley Schutz
Lisa Jagiello
Loren DiLoreto
Lynn & Todd Jensen
Markey Family
Matt Razek
Mattie Sullivan
Mom and Dad
Morrisons in Various Locations
Mr. Joseph Kelly III
Mrs. Marla Alexander
Ms. Ciara O'Connor
Ms. Katy N Morrison
Muth Family
Nana & Poppy Brown
Nurai, Tougy, and Dave
O'Connor Family
Olivia Poska
Paul Makovec
Personal Donation
Peter Felten
Rachel Freedman
Richard Brown
Rob and Kerry Cedergren
Robert S. Morrison
Sam Wold
Scott and Torrie Morrison
Shaena Wright
Shuba Lodd
The Christophs
The Curran Family
The Long Family
The Mundy Brown's
The Turners
Every dollar raised helps fuel Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's mission.
Together, we can defy cancer!